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Radiant Sol's FREE Community Meditation

Community is one of the founding pillars of our studio, which is why we are hosting a free meditation session every Thursday at 5:30pm for anyone to join.

But why meditation? To us, meditation is more than taking the time to relax and centre yourself after a busy day at work. It is a fundamental practice that assists in dealing with the daily stresses of life by grounding you and bringing your focus back to the self. It is a self-care tool that comes as important as ever in the world that we live in today.

Guided by our beautiful teacher Jules, our meditation class will have you feeling calm and rejuvenated. We urge you to bring along a friend or family member, particularly those you believe will benefit from meditation.

Not sure what the benefits are? Some health benefits of meditation include:

  • Managing anxiety and depression - through gradually calming the mind and preventing strong emotions from erupting.

  • Increasing immunity - achieved overtime through relaxing the muscles which aids in boosting resistance to viruses.

  • Lowering blood pressure - through reducing the body's responsiveness to cortisol and other stress hormones within the body, this is similar to how blood pressure reducing medication works.

  • Reviving emotional wellness - by gradually cleansing the consciousness of hidden emotionally charged memories and thoughts.

  • Improving happiness and general wellbeing - through connecting us to our true qualities. In doing so, we learn to accept and love who we are and learn to work with our thoughts directly giving us peace of mind.

Read more about these health benefits here.

For those of you who are unable to make the 5:30pm class, here are some meditation and mindfulness apps that you might like to use at home:

  • Smiling Mind

  • HeadSpace

  • MindWorks


Rear 144 Thistlethwaite St, South Melbourne (enter via Argyle Pl), VIC 3205

© 2024 Radiant Sol Yoga

Radiant Sol acknowledges we live, breathe and come together on Kulin Nation land and pay respect to the Wurundjeri Elders, past and present. 

Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.

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