50hr Yin YTT
Level 1 50hr Yin YTT with Leonie Lockwood
February/March 2020 T&Cs
Participating in a yoga teacher training requires a strong commitment from both student and teacher. Trainings can be transformative and should not be entered into lightly. For the training to be a positive container of learning we require you to read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions.
All cancellations must be received in writing/email. Deposits will not be refunded.
• If you cancel 4 weeks before the course start date. If paid in full, the amount minus the deposit will be refunded if received 4 weeks before the course date.
• If you cancel within 4 weeks of the course start date or once the course has commenced, no refund is given.
• As Radiant Sol is hosting Leonie Lockwood Yoga, we are unable to provide a
credit or transfer to another course.
• Under exceptional circumstances, a transfer to another course may be considered. However this will be at the discretion of Leonie Lockwood Yoga. Radiant Sol Yoga and the next host studio. Payment of any additional course fee and/or costs is the responsibility of the student.
• Refund of the fee is not provided if you change your mind or your personal circumstances change after your enrolment is confirmed and you decide you can no longer participate in the teacher training.
Payments can be made in a number of ways.
• To hold a place in the course, a minimum deposit of $250 is required. This deposit is non-refundable. Full payment is required one week prior to course commencement.
• You can choose to pay the Early Bird in full or via payment plan (if prior to EB closure)
• You can choose to pay the Full price in full or via payment plan (after EB has closed).
• Payment plans are available. Payments are made manually in incredments of $250 or $150 for after early bird payment. Radiant Sol takes no responsibility for declined payment fees you may incur through your bank.
• Your place in the course is not secured until full payment has been made.
A qualification and certification will be rewarded only if the following conditions are met:
• The student is successful in passing the assessments (theory and practical).
• All homework assessments are completed and to a satisfactory standard.
• The student has arrived on time to lectures and has committed to learning.
• The student has a 100% attendance record. If a student cannot attend a lecture, the student may be required to make up this time at a later date with the Teacher Trainer at the cost of $100 per hour depending on the lecture (reason for absence will be taken into consideration).
There may be times when photographs or footage is taken by Leonie Lockwood Yoga or Radiant Sol during the training.
I hereby give permission in perpetuity and without fee for Leonie Lockwood yoga & Radiant Sol to use this photography and footage in which I may appear in any media or format for promotional purposes. I acknowledge that Leonie Lockwood Yoga owns all rights to the photography and footage. I appear voluntarily and there is no existing restriction or obligation that would prevent me from appearing. Should I not wish to appear in any photography/video, then I will advise Leonie Lockwood Yoga &; Radiant Sol so that care can be taken not to capture my image.
It is recommended that you consult your physician before beginning any yoga training program. Students are required to listen to their own body, mind and energetic state and work within their own limitations. If any movements hurt or are uncomfortable, it is the student's responsibility to never take any exercise to a level of discomfort or pain.
Notice is hereby given that all arrangements made on behalf of participants are made by the organisers on the sole condition that the organsiers shall not be held responsible for any injury, death, accident, illness, delay, loss, damage, act of negligence, or irregularity. The undersigned hereby also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Radiant Sol Yoga, Leonie Lockwood Yoga and any guest instructor/ assistant against liability, damages, costs, loss or expense (including without limitation, legal fees) arising out of any bodily or mental injury, illness, or loss at any time sustained by the undersigned.
I understand that in signing up to this course that I will be placed on the mailing list of Leonie Lockwood Yoga and Radiant Sol Yoga for the purposes of course communication and promotional material. I understand that I can opt out of this at any time through written request.
I have clarified any outstanding questions I may have via email before submitting this registration.
I understand that at times, the training is experiential and may require me to explore on a deeper level my inner world. As such I will take full responsibility for my own health and wellbeing and my actions throughout the training.
I will communicate any challenges or needs that may arise with the facilitator and/or assistant.
I understand that certification will only be provided with 100% attendance and completion of theoretical/practical assessments.
I understand that if I miss any of the course, that I may be required to make up those hours with the Teacher Trainer, prior to the course finishing at a rate of $100 per hour.
I understand that an additional Sadhana practice is required to receive 60 hour certification.
I agree to attend the training with an open, curious mind.
I understand that my place in the course is not secure until full payment has been made.
I have read, understood and agree fully with the Terms and Conditions, the training details and other information provided.